• AUGUST 20, 2019

    Epigenetics part 1

      Let’s begin with a few definitions. Genetics is the study of all the hereditary material(DNA) in our cells. DNA is organized into unique sequences called genes and all of roughly 23000 genes that each human cell contains are neatly packaged in our cells into structures called chromosomes. Genes are responsible for traits such as

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    • OCTOBER 21, 2018
    Reducing your risk for Breast Cancer

    Reducing your risk for Breast Cancer

    In support of breast cancer awareness month(October), we wanted to look at factors that can reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. More women are affected with breast cancer than any other cancer. https://nutritionfacts.org/topics/breast-cancer/   One of the primary risk factors is increased levels of estrogen. Factors which increase lifetime exposure to estrogen include early

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