• JUNE 24, 2019

    7 Steps to Weight Loss

    7 Steps to Weight Loss, where should I begin my journey? Whenever you start a new endeavor, it’s important to know where you are, get an idea of the obstacles ahead, educate yourself so you are able to surpass the obstacles, devise a plan and try your best to execute it with fidelity. In this

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    • MARCH 3, 2019
    Reducing the risk of Colon Cancer

    Reducing the risk of Colon Cancer

    March is National colorectal awareness month. One of the primary reasons campaigns such as these are conducted is to inform the public on how to reduce its risk for a particular cancer or disease. While we applaud the various organizations for making individuals more aware of the need for screening, we at Embee Plant Physicians

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    • OCTOBER 21, 2018
    Reducing your risk for Breast Cancer

    Reducing your risk for Breast Cancer

    In support of breast cancer awareness month(October), we wanted to look at factors that can reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. More women are affected with breast cancer than any other cancer. https://nutritionfacts.org/topics/breast-cancer/   One of the primary risk factors is increased levels of estrogen. Factors which increase lifetime exposure to estrogen include early

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