• AUGUST 26, 2018
    Oil, healthy or unhealthy?

    Oil, healthy or unhealthy?

    If you look in Pubmed, you will find several articles, which show that substituting saturated fats(e.g. butter, lard) with mono and polyunsaturated fats in one’s diet results in reduced risk for cardiovascular disease. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5577766/   Looking at the largest diet and health study co-sponsored by the NIH(National Institute of Health) which compared fat from plant

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    • FEBRUARY 25, 2018

    Health and Wellness: Fats

    Blog 8.3 Fats: Comic created by Will McPhail, New Yorker Fats, one of the three essential nutrient for our body, is no less crucial for optimal health than protein or carbohydrates. Fat is an energy source for the body like the other macronutrients. Moreover, fat is essential for production of hormones, optimal nerve function, cellular

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